Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Simple answers to frequently asked questions of God and the Christian Faith

Here’s an insight into frequently asked questions by both believers(Christian community) and non-christian community –

·       Does God really exist ? If yes , why doesn’t he reveal himself ?– Yes God does really exist ! As for the second question, well, he reveals himself to those who earnestly seek him. And if you sincerely ask him to reveal himself to you, he’s more than willing and happy to do so because he loves you. But be open-minded and don’t try to put him to test – try not have pre-conceived notions in thinking that he never existed at all.
·    If God is loving, why does he allow so much evil in this world ? –Ok an eye-opener here ! God ISN’T EVIL. Don’t forget that the earth and everything in it came under a perpetual curse of sin the moment adam and eve ate that forbidden fruit and that the devil is the sole reason for this not God.
·     Why doesn’t God just zap evil people like murderers and terrorists into ashes ?– Abomination is maybe the same or probably takes much more than just forgiveness in comparison to sin. Whether you happen to use cuss words or steal a chocolate or kill someone , it is all wrong and sinful no matter the extent and severity. I’m pretty sure each one of us would’ve absolutely done something wrong in the sight of God be it whether anything minor or dreadful. So, if God happened to agree with you in killing wicked people because they did something wrong, he would have to zap you along with them into ashes because his standards of being good are way more higher than ours. He's a JUST GOD. Btw if GOD really did that, wouldn't it make him the biggest bully of all time ? more like a Moral Monster ? but he isn't ! So Yeah Now you can open your eyes Wise people :P
·    Ok God doesn’t have to kill evil people but he can surely stop them from doing evil things ! – Well when god created man, he didn’t exactly think of making robots made of flesh and blood but rather for his sons and daughters to have free will and choices of their own so there you go J ! So, if God did control , what is the difference between us and robots made of metal ?! But yes ! We do need to pray and he will hear us and stop the forces of the enemy !
·    Ok what about diseases ? Why does God inflict diseases upon us ?  OK Honestly it makes so much sense when God says in his word “My people perish for lack of knowledge” . In other words, he’s calling us a bunch of dumb-witted people who’re still feeding on milk(Spiritually) and blinded as a result of inadequate knowledge of the word of God, the Bible. Let me answer you with a question ! Why in the world would God, the giver of life and strength give you diseases and say “HEY its my will for you to get cancer and die eventually so please do abide by it”. A BIG NO ! God doesn’t give you diseases, these diseases occurred as a result of sin brought into existence into the world the minute that forbidden fruit was eaten and of course the devil inflicting such illnesses upon us. God loves us and he doesn’t really want us to be inflicted with such diseases. So please lovely people ! Get this into your heads thinking like you know everything !
·     If God doesn’t inflict diseases, why doesn’t he take them away ? – Voila ! We have come to the crème’ de la crème topic ! Alright people, If y’all didn’t know ? God has an and always has an answer to eliminate diseases. How ? LOOK AT THE CROSS ! Jesus(God in flesh/Son of God) died so we could be free from sin, diseases, infirmities and he also promised that we could do greater miracles than himself ! What does that mean ? Well, he’s given us power over diseases and infirmities.
·         How do you use that power to overcome such things ? – Well, If the same God who created the heavens and the stars lives in you(as he promised in the Bible), I think its not that of a big deal for him to use us as Children of the most High God to do miracles and raise the dead . Proof – Look around you ! Open your eyes ! Jesus is still healing people today ! Millions of testimonies all around plus a number of conversions to the faith of Christianity from other faiths ! Notice that when you watch videos, the minute they start to talk about the moment of their deliverance  by God, they begin to tear up ! Yeah, he’s so alive, he’s faithful and he cares. Accept him into your hearts and you will know. Another proof would be the apostles ! They healed people – The lame walked, the blind saw, the deaf heard and the dumb spoke and they did all this on a day to day basis meaning they had power and authority from God such that they could heal people like it was just that easy. Don't you think we ought to do the same ? Don't you think that if the apostles had such power and infact, were just mere human beings like us; that it would be possible for us to do miracles with the help of God too ? NO, we don't. Because all we want are very ordinary lives as Christians who put up a happy face as we go to church every Sunday and revert to our routine lives with no passion or a yearning for God. Stop living those lives because God has called us to live the extraordinary and it's true.
·       How do you know which God is the one true living God ? – Let me begin with this – ANYTHING that’s supernatural isn’t advised to be of a good or positive source. But if something Supernatural – for example: a Supernatural being has the willingness to reveal himself to you, care for you and give you solutions like your life depended on it, die for you as a result of love, sacrifice one’s own life for you AND not the other way around(as in you doing all the above otherwise) . Then you can say that  there is definitely a possibility of that supernatural being to be genuine and true because come on, if a God can reach out to us in a very personal manner, chances are for that God to be existent, living, genuine and caring.
·       How do you even know Jesus is alive ? – Well it is quite hard to believe in some story which is perceived to fabricated or manipulated throughout centuries right from history itself(though that is not true but this is a whole different topic of it's own). But I encourage you ! if you really want to know for yourself, then ask him yourself ! Challenge him to come and reveal himself to you ! Challenge yourself ! In that way , you can know for yourself that he’s true to his words and he will finally come through ! I say this with personal experiences.
·     You might say that you have heard of people being healed and restored but you might’ve seen preachers with illnesses yet they serve God in the ministry of healing – Well, let’s just say that in certain cases, the only way to find answers for such is to ask God himself but just look at the way these preachers selflessly carry the mission of God despite having an illness. They desire for God and even in the midst of such difficulty, they begin to praise him and love him more and more.
A final eye-opener here, If you accept the LORD, it doesn’t mean that all the storms and bad situations go away. NO ! that is not the case, to be honest the devil is on the prowl to trap believers strong in their faith and ultimately, possess their very souls to eternal destruction. Christianity is not a bed of roses fraands ! You will have to carry your cross daily because if not, you’d be falling into the hands of the enemy. But here’s the Good news, when you accept the LORD, situations will turn around, your worries and difficulties will be transformed into moments of joy and happiness as you continue to trust and rest in him, he will build you up from ashes into a vessel of glory ! He will make you shine as the stars above and he will bless the work of your hands and lead you to the very end. Why ? Because he’s Good and Faithful and he’s given us the power to be the Children of the One True Living God. God Bless you Doubtful people !! (Does include me too haha).
NOTE – The greatest moment in history was not when man walked on the moon but when God walked on the earth J
A Big thanks to everyone who took the opportunity to read this !
Appreciate it :)